Sunday, December 30, 2007

Paul the Scientist

How dare a man with a Doctorate in a scientific field call the Theory of Evolution a "Theory."
Then say we "don't have absolute proof."

Anybody with a journalism degree knows a "theory" is just science jargon for "fact".

That's like saying Newton's theory of gravity is less than perfect. Everybody knows gravity is fact.

I'm being sarcastic of course, the gravitation theory wasn't perfect and was expanded on by Einstein. Einstein's peers early on thought all of Einstein's work was flawed because it contradicted many current theories, good thing Einstein didn't think that theories were facts.

There's levels of theories.
Gravitation is a working theory, it works for everything with a few exceptions that 99% will never encounter. Even the theory of relativity is being challenged lately with some new string theories.
The Theory of Evolution is lesser because there some evidence and some experiments but still pretty limited. Some experiments have actually failed/been falsified but I think it would be a stretch to say they've disproven the theory.
Global warming, doesn't even make it to the theory level, it's stuck at a hypothesis, you need more than power-point slides to make it to theory level.

IA prediction

Romney 33%
Huckabee 27%
Paul 15%
McCain 12%
Thompson 7%
Guiliani 6%

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Compassionate Idiots

Instead of thinking, "maybe our property taxes are too high", this New York city wants to have seniors work to pay their taxes.
Plan Would Let Seniors Work to Pay Taxes

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The real subliminal part might be Huckabee thinking about Ron Paul:

"I will confess this: If you play the spot backwards it says, 'Paul is dead. Paul is dead.'"

Huckabee stands by Christmas ad.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Too Early

It's too early to predict but these graphs are so far amazingly similar, even the ramp up the day before. Based on the spike of 12:15, an early prediction is 10.4 million.

Friday, December 14, 2007

RP in IA

I just heard someone report that the democrats expect 150k for the caucus and the republicans 75k. His reasoning was the republicans aren't excited this year, so if that's 1/2 the normal turn out that should translate to Paul doubling his numbers.
Here's a similar statement.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tea Party

Here's the wagers:
Stilwell: 4 and under, 7, 8
B-Burg: 5, 9, 10
Hook: 6, 11, 12 and over

I think it'll be 10 mil. I'm still amazed that the Nov. 5th donations were so linear with time. If the tea party follows we'll know by noon about what Paul will raise.
There's still hope the polls are way off. Besides Paul's momentum continuing there's some offset error in the polls. I'm a "typical" voter, but the polls would have missed me, I didn't vote in the Republican primary in 2004, or any Republican primary since sometime before 2000, and no landline anyway.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Subprime Freedom

Freedom is the right to be stupid, or so I thought. The government is protecting stupid investors. That's so nice of them, they're protecting the stupid people from evil companies that want to uphold their contracts.

I wish I was stupid enough to get a variable rate mortgage on a house I couldn't afford thinking it would go way up and value and make a huge profit, knowing the government would bail me out if it didn't work. No risk at all in a risky investment, I guess I really am the stupid one.

Deal Reached on Mortgage Rate Freeze

Monday, December 3, 2007


Looks like the Ron Paul Blimp is for real. And it's now a for-profit company, so there's no election rules. Sign up for a raffle to ride the blimp.

The blimp is planning on dumping tea into the Boston Harbor on December 16th.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How will the 4th quarter rank?

Here's an article about the 4th quarter of the 2000 election.
Bush raised the most, 11 million.

I figured 2000 would be the biggest recent fundraising year. But we've printed a lot of money since then so here's 2004:
Howard Dean raised 15 million in the 4th quarter.
Sounds like Bush has the record:
In the last fund-raising quarter, from October through December, Bush raised $47 million. About $32 million came through fund-raisers, $14 million through direct mail, and $1 million over the Internet.

But wait:
Much of Bush's money came thanks to a network of business executives, lobbyists, attorneys and other volunteer campaign fund-raisers who gathered at least $100,000 or $200,000 in donations to become Bush "pioneers" or "rangers." More than 300 people have raised $100,000 or more for Bush.
Here's the amazing part, for all of 2000 (not just the primary), Bush raised 193 million, but from individual contributers of less than $200, he raised just 20 million.

North American Union

I've been pretty skeptical. The giant Texas highway did make me wonder.

But Paul recently mentioned SPP.GOV, so I went there, their mission:
* Coordinate our security efforts to better protect U.S. citizens from terrorist threats and transnational crime and promote the safe and efficient movement of legitimate people and goods;
* Expand economic opportunity for all our people by making our businesses more competitive in the global marketplace, cutting red tape, and providing consumers with safe, less expensive, and innovative products; and
* Enhance our common efforts to combat infectious diseases, develop responses to man-made or natural disasters to enhance our citizens’ quality of life, protect our people and our environment, and improve consumer safety.
This sounds pretty close to what the Federal Government is supposed to do, help coordinate the States.

The Fact section surprised me, it states that individual State's are currently building NAFTA Corridors:

Myth: The U.S. Government, working though the SPP, has a secret plan to build a "NAFTA Super Highway."

Fact: The U.S. government is not planning a NAFTA Super Highway. The U.S. government does not have the authority to designate any highway as a NAFTA Super Highway, nor has it sought such authority, nor is it planning to seek such authority. There are private and state level interests planning highway projects which they themselves describe as "NAFTA Corridors," but these are not Federally-driven initiatives, and they are not a part of the SPP.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Another good Paul moment

When asked about taxes, McCain decided to attack Paul on foreign policy. So in a way McCain was agreeing with Paul, we can't cut taxes and have an Empire. Wonder what McCain was thinking as he was booed. Paul's visual response to "The attitude of isolationism caused Hitler to come to power" is great.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Paul's ideas are winning

Watched some of "ABC This Week" with Stephanopoulos, one of the discussions was should we be occupying Korea, Germany, etc. and every one on the panel said no, we shouldn't be in countries indefinitely.

Also earlier in the show McCain said Iraq has problems because there are no Thomas Jefferson's in Iraq. Too bad there's only one in America.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The reason Ron Paul "Did" So Well in New Hampshire

I'm seeing the beginnings of it. Paul will do as expected in Iowa, then shock in New Hampshire. The media will write it off as, he just bought the vote will all his money. Is the perfect reasoning, if you don't have money you must not have support so you won't be taken seriously, if you have money you'll just buy the vote so you won't be taken seriously.
Hopefully people will start noticing that his money is "new" money not old money.

Friday, November 9, 2007

CNN sucks at math

They say $3042 per second, it's really $27 per second or $3042 per minute.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Paul even made Yahoo front page:

The article is alright.
But it says, "Paul advocates limited government and low taxes like other Republicans",
well not quite like the others. That's like saying I have toys and disposable income like Bill Gates.


And the end of this video is great, Paul responds to being called "Flaky"

Sunday, October 21, 2007

More support

I've outlined the Ron Paul in the back yard, there is now 2 large rectangles with RON PAUL written in them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ron Paul Tzu

More foreign countries in favor of Paul, the Seoul Times.
Some really good quotes such as:

"When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty "

And the Confucian message is slightly different than we hear, focuses more on the evil people do than the good:
"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others"

John Mayer

This is pretty good. Some idiot friend is spouting the "patriotic" line and Mayer keeps talking constitution, "Ron Paul knows the constitution man".

Friday, October 12, 2007


Finally a politician that wants to use my product.

From the Washington Post:

"There's nobody in this world that could possibly attack us today," he said in the interview. "I mean, we could defend this country with a few good submarines. If anybody dared touch us we could wipe any country off of the face of the earth within hours. And here we are, so intimidated and so insecure and we're acting like such bullies that we have to attack third-world nations that have no military and have no weapon."

Good videos:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

ABC world news

Don't know if the video will link, but just under 6 minutes into the current video at this site is Stephanopoulos starting to wonder if he'll loose his bet that Ron Paul has no chance. He states that the fund raising has been doing great the last two quarters, but that hasn't transfered into real votes. Well nobody has "real" votes yet, so that's kind of a dumb argument, but it's a positive piece anyway.

Drudge Trifecta

Currently the top few articles on the drudge report are:
Thompson puts audience to sleep
Ron Paul raises 5 million dollars
McCain says money isn't important to his campaign

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Paul Steps it up

Looks like Paul will post big numbers for the quarter. His webpage now says In it to win, and has a constant 4th quarter ticker with a goal of 4 million each month for all 3 months. So we can chart his donation progress based off 3rd quarter result announcements and debate performance.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dems are pro-war

I've said it before. But here's more statements that Democrats won't leave Iraq. Paul concedes it may take a few months to get everyone home, this loons don't think they can do it in 4 years.
This just means Paul will get more converts, especially in New Hampshire where democrats can cross party lines.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Woo Hoo

Watch the money


Patriot Act Unconstitutional

Unsolicited Nominations?

Interesting thought from FMNN, Paul could get the Libertarian and Constitutional parties nomination, without asking for them. This would put him as a presidential nominee even before the Republican Convention.

Giuliani Money Troubles

Couldn't be that Giuliani's message is dying, must be the lady with, "With more than 30 years of fundraising experience and five presidential campaigns under her belt"
Giuliani fires chief fundraiser

More Nuts

There's more nuts out there. I've really been thinking my predictions were too high, because 500k per week is 6 million and the campaign suggests that's too high. Plus everyone says the summer months are the slow months. The good part is the other candidates will likely show a dip for the summer when Paul is climbing.
This blog suggests I'm not the only overly optimistic one out there:

For the Long Haul

Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Revision

I started out saying Paul would raise 4 mil with 5 mil on hand this quarter, then upped it to 6+ with 8+ on hand.
Now this latest push for 500k has me thinking, other than an achievable sum and a way to get several to give a few more bucks, is there another reason? Is Paul close to a magic number, either close to another candidate or a milestone number?
I'm going to say Paul will hit 10 million this quarter. He really didn't take off until June and still raised 2.4 mil in that quarter, so 4X that seems very doable.
Have you donated to liberty lately?

Now this could be way off, because there's only 13 weeks in the quarter and the campaign has said 500k in a week is tops, so that puts them closer to 5 million. But I just can't believe they will only double the previous quarter.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fox News Predicts Paul

The beginning isn't so great, skip to about 3:30 in or 1 minute from the end:
"Back in 1980 Ronald Reagan was the extreme candidate, he was the old candidate, he was the has been candidate... Some one who is articulate, someone who can explain where he stands, someone who has a positive demeanor, and someone who says what he means and means what he says. That candidate will capture the Republican nomination."
"It will be interesting to see if someone like that emerges."

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Free Health Care

So someone I know was sick needed to go to the emergency room, someone offered to drive them. They replied, no I don't have insurance so I'll take an ambulance, I'm not paying anyway.

So one point is we have universal health care already, because no one is turned away from being helped.
The other point is if health care was free, everyone would take ambulances, because why spend money on my gas?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bikers for Babies

I couldn't get a shot of all 8000+ bikes, they pretty well filled the infield of Kansas Speedway. Driving down 435 two wide with a line of bikes as far as I could see infront and behind was pretty cool.
Here's a picture from the bike as we left the infield, notice the homemade bike on the right, it had Dotte plates of course.
And not to forget Ron Paul, this is another example of how private citizens can do more for charity than the government. And the reason this is always in Kansas and the route never goes to Missouri, is KS has no helmet law for those over 18. They do have an eye protection law but I doubt that's enforced.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Other Candidates have no Backbone

About 4 minutes into this one Ron Paul states, "The other candidates have no backbone."

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pushing Paul

I'm finding myself pushing Paul several times a day now. Just today a lady at work mentioned the shows about 9-11, and I turned it into why did they attack, only the CIA, 9-11 commission and Ron Paul will admit it. She said she'd seen several Paul signs and asked who that was. Before she didn't have a clue who to vote for, now I think she's leaning towards Paul.
And my friend sent me some pictures, the best is below, he's a typical pro-war, big government as long as it's republican guy, I responded with Paul's the only one for freedom and liberty.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Colin Powell: his idea's are getting closer to Paul's

Powell's responses to a GQ article.

Isn’t the new global threat we face even more dangerous?
What is the greatest threat facing us now? People will say it’s terrorism. But are there any terrorists in the world who can change the American way of life or our political system? No. Can they knock down a building? Yes. Can they kill somebody? Yes. But can they change us? No. Only we can change ourselves. So what is the great threat we are facing?

I would approach this differently, in almost Marshall-like terms. What are the great opportunities out there—ones that we can take advantage of? It should not be just about creating alliances to deal with a guy in a cave in Pakistan. It should be about how do we create institutions that keep the world moving down a path of wealth creation, of increasing respect for human rights, creating democratic institutions, and increasing the efficiency and power of market economies? This is perhaps the most effective way to go after terrorists.

So you think we are getting too hunkered down and scared?
Yes! We are taking too much counsel of our fears.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t a terrorist threat. There is a threat. And we should send in military forces when we have a target to deal with. We should also secure our airports, if that makes us safer. But let’s welcome every foreign student we can get our hands on. Let’s make sure that foreigners come to the Mayo Clinic here, and not the Mayo facility in Dubai or somewhere else. Let’s make sure people come to Disney World and not throw them up against the wall in Orlando simply because they have a Muslim name. Let’s also remember that this country was created by immigrants and thrives as a result of immigration, and we need a sound immigration policy.

Let’s show the world a face of openness and what a democratic system can do. That’s why I want to see Guantánamo closed. It’s so harmful to what we stand for. We literally bang ourselves in the head by having that place. What are we doing this to ourselves for? Because we’re worried about the 380 guys there? Bring them here! Give them lawyers and habeas corpus. We can deal with them. We are paying a price when the rest of the world sees an America that seems to be afraid and is not the America they remember.

You can drive up the road from here and come to a spot where there is a megachurch over here, a little Episcopal church over there, a Catholic church around the corner that’s almost cathedral-size, and between them is a huge Hindu temple. There are no police needed to guard any of this. There are not many places in the world where you would see that. Yes, there are a few dangerous nuts in Brooklyn and New Jersey who want to blow up Kennedy Airport and Fort Dix. These are dangerous criminals, and we must deal with them. But come on, this is not a threat to our survival! The only thing that can really destroy us is us. We shouldn’t do it to ourselves, and we shouldn’t use fear for political purposes—scaring people to death so they will vote for you, or scaring people to death so that we create a terror-industrial complex.

One of your legacies to history will be what’s known as the Powell Doctrine. How do you define it?

Essentially it says: Avoid war—and if that’s not possible, and it’s necessary to use arms to solve a political problem, then do it in a decisive way. You remove as much doubt as you can about the outcome. In addition, you need to have a clearly defined mission, and you must have some understanding of how it’s going to end.

How can we restore America’s image?
We should remember what that image was, back after World War II. It was the image of a generous country that sought not to impose its will on other countries or even to impose its values. But it showed the way, and it helped other countries, and it opened its doors to people—visitors and refugees and immigrants.

America could not survive without immigration. Even the undocumented immigrants are contributing to our economy. That’s the country my parents came to. That’s the image we have to portray to the rest of the world: kind, generous, a nation of nations, touched by every nation, and we touch every nation in return. That’s what people still want to believe about us. They still want to come here. We’ve lost a bit of the image, but we haven’t lost the reality yet. And we can fix the image by reflecting a welcoming attitude—and by not taking counsel of our fears and scaring ourselves to death that everybody coming in is going to blow up something. It ain’t the case.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Another Vid

I like it because it has more than war speak:

Giuliani down another $0.19

I got a letter from Giuliani's campaign giving 12 reasons why and should support him. It included a postage paid envelope to send him money. I'm going to return it alright, but with reasons why most of his 12 points are incorrect, and the 13 is I could never vote for someone that laughs at another's ideas.
It's not much but I think it'll cost then around 19 cents plus someone's time to open the letter.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The things you miss

The audience was booing Giuliani, it appeared like it was one of Paul's ideas on TV.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Paul v Huckabee

I hope this is true:
CNN Seeks Ron Paul-Huckabee Debate

It would make sense. I bet CNN thinks this would "expose" Ron Paul and kill his campaign. In reality it would boost it and thrust Paul into double digit support and make a third party bid look very appealing with the democrats he would win over.

The article also has a good point that Huckabee want to be Giuliani's running mate. That makes sense, he won't overshadow Giuliani, but he gives him the family values vote he's lacking so bad. If he can knock off Giuliani's nemesis, Ron Paul, that would certainly help his chances.

More Positives

Grassfire.orgs latest poll shows Paul up from 7th to 3rd. So either the Ron Paul spammer took a nap last poll or people have started to hear Paul's message.
Thompson is going to drop quicker than anyone can imagine, he'll be lucky to make it to the New Hampshire primary. Romney's going to start having money problems and people are going to be sick of Giuliani running off being NY mayor and 9-11. McCain is a little revitalized but he'll still fade pretty quick. Huckabee could be sticking around a little while.

Text Message

Last night was the first text message I've ever sent, to vote for Ron Paul. It did take about 5 minutes to text R6, but it was worth it.
After hearing the hackles of Guliani and Romney there is no way I could vote for either (it wasn't that big of chance before). What kind of jackass won't listen to someone's opinions, no matter how crazy you think they are, you listen and respect them. And Paul has earned respect from all his experience.
Great Lew Rockwell Blog here:

Ron Paul's John Elway Moment

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Debate Clip

You can clearly hear Guliani and Romney laugh when they ask if Paul takes his orders from al qaeda. These laughs are terrible, that alone would make a good commercial, do you want these yokels?
I'm glad Dr. No is back, he needs to keep saying NO!
"All we're doing is saving Face, it's time we came home", is the best line.

Guliani vs Guliani

I'll have to find the youtube clip, but I liked Guliani's gun control debate against himself. He said something like, gun ownership was a state issue, it says in the second amendment... then changed tracks.
Whoops, I think he realized at that moment gun control is not a state issue.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Revised Prediction

Earlier at "The Meltdown is Coming" I predicted Paul would raise 4 million this quarter and have 5 on hand, I think I might be way off. He's far surpassing the previous quarter, so I think twice last quarter isn't out of line plus his meetup competition is doing incredible. We'll know soon but just taking the top 25 and assuming that #25 gave $0 (with over 700 groups #25 is really much more than $0), they've raised just short of $400,000 as of this post. So it's reasonable to say Paul will raise 6 million or MORE this quarter. And my previous post assumed the campaign spending about 2 million this quarter, expenses have increased with a new headquarters and all but a 4X increase might be a bit much. Paul realizes his bank account is a big factor in getting media attention so the cheaper he is now the better, plus the money is better spent closer to the primaries. So Paul could have close to 8 million on hand which could put him short only Guliani for true debt free cash on the Republican side.
Another meetup bonus, is the diversity of the crowd. Other candidate's groups stay in their own "class structure". With the meetup groups it's likely that a few individuals that have maxed out could funnel money to those who haven't. That'll be rare and won't come anywhere close to the Hillary scandals but once Paul's cash numbers come out they'll likely be some reporting on shady fundraising, afterall how can a few spammers give millions of dollars?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ban Smoking

Clinton and Huckabee want to ban smoking in all public places.

Clinton shows how pompous she is by stating "Well, personally, I think so", hell if Hillary thinks it's a good idea then screw the law lets do what she thinks. She also shows her ignorance of free markets by saying how bars are more profitable in NY with the smoking ban. Good thing the government kept those bar owners from making less money.

Huckabee states second hand smoke IS deadly

Speed of Thompson

Fred Thompson may be the slowest man ever, on why his staff has high turnover:
it was only natural that there would be some initial stumbles given the demands of putting together a national campaign on the fly.

On the fly isn't how I'd describe his campaign which has been thinking of starting since March.

This article implies Fred isn't raising money as fast as they had planned, I sill think they'll raise over 10 mil this quarter but I bet they're wasting it pretty quick too, especially for a campaign that hasn't begun and apparently has no organization and is "on the fly". So I stand by my earlier prediction that Thompson will have 5 to 10 million in the bank come October.
Thompson struggles as launch looms

Normal Paul

This is a good C-SPAN video, especially the last few minutes.
He thanks the guy for loaning him a phone, then discribes the 12lb baby he helped out with, makes sure the glare doesn't mess up people's pictures, all pretty funny:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Federal Reserve

This has some great quotes:

The Meltdown is Coming

October 15th will be the day the media will let out a giant "Oh Crap"
This is when the next campaign funds results are due in. My guess is Ron Paul will have at least 4 million raised for the quarter, plus still have nearly a million left, so he'll have around 5 million. On the republican side Guliani will have 15-20 mil, Fred Thompson will have 5-10 mil, and Romney about 5 mil but the press will ignore debt so it'll be reported as 10-15. No one else will have over 1 mil.
The press will try to continue to ignore Paul but by being in the top 4 of cash on hand it will be very difficult for them.
I expect many news rooms to think, "Nice, we're down to Romney, Guliani, and Thompson, oh crap and that Paul guy too." How will they respond? I predict a few days of reporting on Paul then the snubbing will begin again, he'll not be invited to a major debate on the grounds that McCain, Brownback, Huckabee, etc weren't invited either.
It reminds me of when Alan Keyes wasn't invited to a debate but showed up anyway to participate, after this clip he continued to say, "release me or arrest me".


I think this is one of Ron Paul's big challenges, a lot of the people that agree simply don't think it can be fixed without more government.

Mike gets it:
yea. i'm not too far away from buying gold bullion and burying it somewhere...

i sold off all my stock about a month ago, right as the market began to shit all over

i think the fiat system is a joke, backed only by our govt's credibility.
so what happens when we're not credible anymore?

it's not only the fed printing money recently - other governments
have been doing it in response to the mortgage fiasco as well.
But when asked why he doesn't support Ron Paul he said:
i don't believe in the "miracle" of the free market. i think business needs boundaries.

i also don't believe all government is bad. ours has become bad. but they are not inherently bad.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Knack

This one goes around every few years:

Declare a tax loss

The constitution states gold and silver and the only currency, but if I make a profit (or loss) when I buy and sell gold I pay capital gains taxes.
What about the cash I have? Shouldn't I get count it as a loss because of the inflation of the paper currency?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Google Brandenburg

Google Damian Brandenburg
Google Aaron Brandenburg

They all pretty quickly get you to

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Strippers Behind Paul

Tucker Carlson will be interviewing Michelle, who is a former stripper, Libertarian Party activist, co-blogger in several places, and hardcore Ron Paul supporter. The interview is tentatively scheduled for Friday evening at 6:45PM EST.

But for now here's rumbling of big support from strippers in general:
Skip to about 2 mintues left:

Monday, August 20, 2007


I've seen Ron Paul's Granddaughters before, here's one here, not bad looking. How can I meet one of them? Maybe the other half of B-Burg can work on that.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Germany loves Ron Paul, translation

Mr. Carmichael, aka Ron's brother translated this video for us:
Now, you Germans!
Anxious about the elections in the U.S.?
How does a woman as President sit with you?
or the first Black President?
or this (guy) here?
Democrats or Republicans?

SIgning of the Constitution

and (yet) what is it with (what about) the other candidates?
for example, Ron Paul?
Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act.
He has never voted for higher taxes.
He has never voted for higher Congressional salaries.
He has voted against Internet censorship.
He has never voted for the expansion of the power of the executive.
He did not take part in the lucrative pension program of Congress.
he voted against the Iraq War.
Ron Paul opposed (sood himself against) the plans for a North American Union.
Ron Paul fought against the surveillance state and for freedom.
Ron Paul is for nonintervention (noninterference) of the U.S. with foreign political questions.
That means: no offensive wars in conflict with international law
Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War.
She holds fast (to the idea of ) possible entry into Iran.
Ron Paul is (something with internet links)
He is for the people
against the surveillance state.
?It's time that Germany takes an interest in these gentlemen?
then Ron Paul deserves attention.
?Don't wait at the mirror?
Inform yourself about Ron Paul.
Search with Google and YouTube
since the Internet is the new mass medium
Ron Paul already has great support in the whole world (throughout the world)
The video account contains wide ranging links.
Much fun for reading.

Happy Birthday Ron

Don't forget only a few more hours to send Ron his Present, so far over 800 people have:

update as of the morning of the 20th 1183 people have signed/contributed.

update as of the 21st, 1563 people have signed the card

1964 / 2008 comparison

Reagan talking for Goldwater or Paul?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Yard Sign update

B-Burg (half of it anyway) came down to help. Each letter of R O N is 33ft wide by 80 ft tall, each letter of P A U L is 40 ft wide by 100 ft tall. So it's approximately 200 ft wide by 250ft tall (Paul is below Ron).

Here's me mowing the R, to help show the size.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Buchanan picks up undeclared war talk

I saw Buchanan on the McLaughlin Group, he wouldn't answer the question if bombing Iran without Congress' approval was impeachable but he did say the CONSTITUTION doesn't allow it, wow maybe Ron Paul is rubbing off on people.
Here's a Buchanan article about it:
Another Undeclared War?

Gaining Speed

Good short article.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Paul cleans up the internet

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Fife and Drum

Here's a good video of the entrance at the straw poll. I bet most people didn't get the whole revolutionary war theme.
I think the fifer was blind, not that it matters but the press would have had a field day if that was Romney's guy.

Crazy Guns

People don't get the right to bear arms, think only crazy people would want to be armed and not rely on the government. But keep reading, the article alludes that people are getting closer to the Goldwater years of principle, not "electablility"


Rudy: What Freedom Means to Me

From New York Times:

"We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good Old Evelyn

Check out the end of this tid-bit:

Meet Ron Paul

Long before he was Ron Paul, presidential candidate or Ron Paul, cable show hero. He was just Ron Paul, the neighborly doctor from Lake Jackson.

"He actually delivered my two children," said resident Esther Lindsey.

Around Lake Jackson there are lots of people who can say that. By his own count, Paul delivered more than 4,000 of Brazoria County's babies before and while he was a US Congressman representing the area.

"I told my daughter, he delivered you and now he might be president," said Cherish Spillers.

Which is not a surprise to many of his former patients.

"We always knew he had the potential," said Evelyn Brandenberg.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Paul is only anti-war candidate

We've long suspected but I haven't heard it put so plain:
Democrats Say Leaving Iraq May Take Years

Of course there is no mention of Paul in the article.

JPC runs for President

Is this Dr. Paul or Mr. Carmichael?
I think that's his dead uncle's shirt and tie, do I see a pocket protector in there?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Paul after the Staw Poll

Paul stated that Romney spent $2200 per vote (that seems a little high)
Paul said he spent $200 per vote

He did ask his supporters if they wanted to go on, I'm sure he knew the answer, but being the typical Paul, it's their campaign not his. Then he said winning isn't worth it if you have to compromise what you believe in. We will win with our message and not by compromising our principles.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Worst Sites

Here's a listing of the worst candidates web sites.

In the last debate Tommy Thompson said he'd end breast cancer by 2015, I thought it was ridiculous, but apparently he's serious, he's got a press release out about it. Wow I had no idea how much power the president had.


I'll predict Ron Paul gets about 2000 votes, I think that will be just over 10%.
I'll even up my contribution to Paul's campaign, I'll bring it up to be the greater of $20 for every percent or 10 cents for every vote he gets in the straw poll.

Looking back at the 1999 straw poll, the Bush campaign bought 10,500 tickets. But he only got 7418 votes. I predict a better percentage return on Paul's tickets, about a 200% return.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ron Paul Spammer Exposed

Here's the Ron Paul Spammer.

Let's see, he's foreign, smart, has access to google's computers. He must be using google's computers to spam the internet for Paul. Let's see if he's good enough to hack the Iowa straw poll computers.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Ron Paul missed his chance

As Ron said later his fault is not speaking forcefully enough for the cause of liberty and the cause of the constitution.
He missed a good chance, when Romney interrupted and asked if he had forgotten about 9-11, Paul should have sternly told him, "No sir I haven't, but I'm pretty sure we've ruled out any chance that Osama is in Iraq."
He did later say the Neo-Cons forgot about Osama and went into nation building but it was a little late to make the "headline" impact.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

BBQ Contest at the Ozarks

Polls indicate Ron Paul BBQ has very little support and a very minimal organization, with just 2 members and one volunteer and rumors are the volunteer is just a spammer. B-Burgs are expected to have results posted soon.
In the mean time here are a few pictures:

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Edwards is losing

I guess Edwards knows he's losing to Paul:

Edward's Campaign Trys to Harness the Internet


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How To

Now for the nuts:
A how to guide: How to move a dead 1974 Winnebago 5 miles with a locked up rear wheel? Well you could take off the wheel, heat and hit the drum for an hour and break it free, but that wouldn't be the nuts way.

The way to do it is to drive a forklift behind the Winnebago, lift the rear wheels up and drive the forklift pushing the Winnebago down the road. Not that I was steering the Winnebago or anything nuts like that.

That reminds me anyone want to buy a Winnebago? Free delivery within 5 miles.

B-Burg on YouTube

B-Burg is on this YouTube clip twice, once from the back and once from the front.

September 11 Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001

The founders seem to think of everything, but we don't bother to read the constitution and benefit:

Article I, Section 8, Clauses 10 and 11 of the U.S. Constitution grant Congress the power to offer a bounty and appoint stealth warriors, private companies and individuals, to capture or kill an enemy such as Osama bin Laden and his fellow terrorists, as well as seize their property.

Here's the bill:

Need help

My friend is very close to becoming a big Ron Paul supporter, it started with national health care (he's for it). But he understands everything, big corporations and big government depend on each other etc. But he seems to think we need to eliminate the big corporations and have complete government control to fix things.
Here's his latest response:
where is this "true" free market. i have never seen one. there are none that i am aware of.

this is what i think:

the tie between corporations and government is too strong. they feed one another.
arguing about who's to blame (government or corporations) is moot. to even start an
analysis, the tie has to be broken. once the tie is broken, we can debate which is
more efficient: government of the market, but until that day they are the same
thing. government = corporations, market = corporations. for both ideologies,
conservative and liberal, the solutions merely appear different but are the same.

find me a candidate saying that and i'll vote form him/her/it.
Where's the best Ron Paul clip/article for this one?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yard Sign

Who's going to help me mow RON PAUL into my backyard? I figure RON will be about 75 feet high and PAUL will be about 125.

Clean Up

I helped to show some high school kids some science a few weeks ago. One project was to clean up the Clinton Lake area (public land). One kid found an old computer monitor in the outlet stream. Why would someone throw this in a stream? We must need tougher government over-site right?
Or is it because current regulations make it difficult and expensive to get rid of old computer equipment. And which group has the older equipment, the poor. If someone threw a monitor on my land I would find out who it was and repay them. But on public land there's no incentive not to damage the land.


Call sign for Maui TV station

Will the FCC fine themselves for giving out that call sign?

Rope A Dope

Is Ron Paul purposely saving back the majority of his money so he can go dollar for dollar with Guliani and Romney at the end? His finances appear that way. Paul can simply wait out most candidates, even McCain won't last much longer. Then it will be Romney, Guliani, Paul on an even playing field. Is Paul's campaign taking tips from Muhammad Ali?

Taking real money (subtracting debt):
Guiliani: 17 mil
Romney: 3.2 mil (he loaned himself 8.9 mil)
Paul: 2.4 mil
McCain: 1.1 mil (sources say only .25 mil can be spent on the campaign)

From the numbers above and based on the 2nd quarter spending of each with no more contributions here's how long the candidates can stay in the race:
Paul 1.1 years
Guiliani 4.6 months
Romney 14 days
McCain 1.7 days