Sunday, December 2, 2007

How will the 4th quarter rank?

Here's an article about the 4th quarter of the 2000 election.
Bush raised the most, 11 million.

I figured 2000 would be the biggest recent fundraising year. But we've printed a lot of money since then so here's 2004:
Howard Dean raised 15 million in the 4th quarter.
Sounds like Bush has the record:
In the last fund-raising quarter, from October through December, Bush raised $47 million. About $32 million came through fund-raisers, $14 million through direct mail, and $1 million over the Internet.

But wait:
Much of Bush's money came thanks to a network of business executives, lobbyists, attorneys and other volunteer campaign fund-raisers who gathered at least $100,000 or $200,000 in donations to become Bush "pioneers" or "rangers." More than 300 people have raised $100,000 or more for Bush.
Here's the amazing part, for all of 2000 (not just the primary), Bush raised 193 million, but from individual contributers of less than $200, he raised just 20 million.

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