Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Revision

I started out saying Paul would raise 4 mil with 5 mil on hand this quarter, then upped it to 6+ with 8+ on hand.
Now this latest push for 500k has me thinking, other than an achievable sum and a way to get several to give a few more bucks, is there another reason? Is Paul close to a magic number, either close to another candidate or a milestone number?
I'm going to say Paul will hit 10 million this quarter. He really didn't take off until June and still raised 2.4 mil in that quarter, so 4X that seems very doable.
Have you donated to liberty lately?

Now this could be way off, because there's only 13 weeks in the quarter and the campaign has said 500k in a week is tops, so that puts them closer to 5 million. But I just can't believe they will only double the previous quarter.

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