Sunday, December 30, 2007

Paul the Scientist

How dare a man with a Doctorate in a scientific field call the Theory of Evolution a "Theory."
Then say we "don't have absolute proof."

Anybody with a journalism degree knows a "theory" is just science jargon for "fact".

That's like saying Newton's theory of gravity is less than perfect. Everybody knows gravity is fact.

I'm being sarcastic of course, the gravitation theory wasn't perfect and was expanded on by Einstein. Einstein's peers early on thought all of Einstein's work was flawed because it contradicted many current theories, good thing Einstein didn't think that theories were facts.

There's levels of theories.
Gravitation is a working theory, it works for everything with a few exceptions that 99% will never encounter. Even the theory of relativity is being challenged lately with some new string theories.
The Theory of Evolution is lesser because there some evidence and some experiments but still pretty limited. Some experiments have actually failed/been falsified but I think it would be a stretch to say they've disproven the theory.
Global warming, doesn't even make it to the theory level, it's stuck at a hypothesis, you need more than power-point slides to make it to theory level.

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