Sunday, August 19, 2007

Germany loves Ron Paul, translation

Mr. Carmichael, aka Ron's brother translated this video for us:
Now, you Germans!
Anxious about the elections in the U.S.?
How does a woman as President sit with you?
or the first Black President?
or this (guy) here?
Democrats or Republicans?

SIgning of the Constitution

and (yet) what is it with (what about) the other candidates?
for example, Ron Paul?
Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act.
He has never voted for higher taxes.
He has never voted for higher Congressional salaries.
He has voted against Internet censorship.
He has never voted for the expansion of the power of the executive.
He did not take part in the lucrative pension program of Congress.
he voted against the Iraq War.
Ron Paul opposed (sood himself against) the plans for a North American Union.
Ron Paul fought against the surveillance state and for freedom.
Ron Paul is for nonintervention (noninterference) of the U.S. with foreign political questions.
That means: no offensive wars in conflict with international law
Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War.
She holds fast (to the idea of ) possible entry into Iran.
Ron Paul is (something with internet links)
He is for the people
against the surveillance state.
?It's time that Germany takes an interest in these gentlemen?
then Ron Paul deserves attention.
?Don't wait at the mirror?
Inform yourself about Ron Paul.
Search with Google and YouTube
since the Internet is the new mass medium
Ron Paul already has great support in the whole world (throughout the world)
The video account contains wide ranging links.
Much fun for reading.

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