Saturday, August 25, 2007


I think this is one of Ron Paul's big challenges, a lot of the people that agree simply don't think it can be fixed without more government.

Mike gets it:
yea. i'm not too far away from buying gold bullion and burying it somewhere...

i sold off all my stock about a month ago, right as the market began to shit all over

i think the fiat system is a joke, backed only by our govt's credibility.
so what happens when we're not credible anymore?

it's not only the fed printing money recently - other governments
have been doing it in response to the mortgage fiasco as well.
But when asked why he doesn't support Ron Paul he said:
i don't believe in the "miracle" of the free market. i think business needs boundaries.

i also don't believe all government is bad. ours has become bad. but they are not inherently bad.

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