Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dems are pro-war

I've said it before. But here's more statements that Democrats won't leave Iraq. Paul concedes it may take a few months to get everyone home, this loons don't think they can do it in 4 years.
This just means Paul will get more converts, especially in New Hampshire where democrats can cross party lines.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Woo Hoo

Watch the money


Patriot Act Unconstitutional

Unsolicited Nominations?

Interesting thought from FMNN, Paul could get the Libertarian and Constitutional parties nomination, without asking for them. This would put him as a presidential nominee even before the Republican Convention.

Giuliani Money Troubles

Couldn't be that Giuliani's message is dying, must be the lady with, "With more than 30 years of fundraising experience and five presidential campaigns under her belt"
Giuliani fires chief fundraiser

More Nuts

There's more nuts out there. I've really been thinking my predictions were too high, because 500k per week is 6 million and the campaign suggests that's too high. Plus everyone says the summer months are the slow months. The good part is the other candidates will likely show a dip for the summer when Paul is climbing.
This blog suggests I'm not the only overly optimistic one out there:

For the Long Haul

Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Revision

I started out saying Paul would raise 4 mil with 5 mil on hand this quarter, then upped it to 6+ with 8+ on hand.
Now this latest push for 500k has me thinking, other than an achievable sum and a way to get several to give a few more bucks, is there another reason? Is Paul close to a magic number, either close to another candidate or a milestone number?
I'm going to say Paul will hit 10 million this quarter. He really didn't take off until June and still raised 2.4 mil in that quarter, so 4X that seems very doable.
Have you donated to liberty lately?

Now this could be way off, because there's only 13 weeks in the quarter and the campaign has said 500k in a week is tops, so that puts them closer to 5 million. But I just can't believe they will only double the previous quarter.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fox News Predicts Paul

The beginning isn't so great, skip to about 3:30 in or 1 minute from the end:
"Back in 1980 Ronald Reagan was the extreme candidate, he was the old candidate, he was the has been candidate... Some one who is articulate, someone who can explain where he stands, someone who has a positive demeanor, and someone who says what he means and means what he says. That candidate will capture the Republican nomination."
"It will be interesting to see if someone like that emerges."

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Free Health Care

So someone I know was sick needed to go to the emergency room, someone offered to drive them. They replied, no I don't have insurance so I'll take an ambulance, I'm not paying anyway.

So one point is we have universal health care already, because no one is turned away from being helped.
The other point is if health care was free, everyone would take ambulances, because why spend money on my gas?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bikers for Babies

I couldn't get a shot of all 8000+ bikes, they pretty well filled the infield of Kansas Speedway. Driving down 435 two wide with a line of bikes as far as I could see infront and behind was pretty cool.
Here's a picture from the bike as we left the infield, notice the homemade bike on the right, it had Dotte plates of course.
And not to forget Ron Paul, this is another example of how private citizens can do more for charity than the government. And the reason this is always in Kansas and the route never goes to Missouri, is KS has no helmet law for those over 18. They do have an eye protection law but I doubt that's enforced.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Other Candidates have no Backbone

About 4 minutes into this one Ron Paul states, "The other candidates have no backbone."

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pushing Paul

I'm finding myself pushing Paul several times a day now. Just today a lady at work mentioned the shows about 9-11, and I turned it into why did they attack, only the CIA, 9-11 commission and Ron Paul will admit it. She said she'd seen several Paul signs and asked who that was. Before she didn't have a clue who to vote for, now I think she's leaning towards Paul.
And my friend sent me some pictures, the best is below, he's a typical pro-war, big government as long as it's republican guy, I responded with Paul's the only one for freedom and liberty.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Colin Powell: his idea's are getting closer to Paul's

Powell's responses to a GQ article.

Isn’t the new global threat we face even more dangerous?
What is the greatest threat facing us now? People will say it’s terrorism. But are there any terrorists in the world who can change the American way of life or our political system? No. Can they knock down a building? Yes. Can they kill somebody? Yes. But can they change us? No. Only we can change ourselves. So what is the great threat we are facing?

I would approach this differently, in almost Marshall-like terms. What are the great opportunities out there—ones that we can take advantage of? It should not be just about creating alliances to deal with a guy in a cave in Pakistan. It should be about how do we create institutions that keep the world moving down a path of wealth creation, of increasing respect for human rights, creating democratic institutions, and increasing the efficiency and power of market economies? This is perhaps the most effective way to go after terrorists.

So you think we are getting too hunkered down and scared?
Yes! We are taking too much counsel of our fears.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t a terrorist threat. There is a threat. And we should send in military forces when we have a target to deal with. We should also secure our airports, if that makes us safer. But let’s welcome every foreign student we can get our hands on. Let’s make sure that foreigners come to the Mayo Clinic here, and not the Mayo facility in Dubai or somewhere else. Let’s make sure people come to Disney World and not throw them up against the wall in Orlando simply because they have a Muslim name. Let’s also remember that this country was created by immigrants and thrives as a result of immigration, and we need a sound immigration policy.

Let’s show the world a face of openness and what a democratic system can do. That’s why I want to see Guantánamo closed. It’s so harmful to what we stand for. We literally bang ourselves in the head by having that place. What are we doing this to ourselves for? Because we’re worried about the 380 guys there? Bring them here! Give them lawyers and habeas corpus. We can deal with them. We are paying a price when the rest of the world sees an America that seems to be afraid and is not the America they remember.

You can drive up the road from here and come to a spot where there is a megachurch over here, a little Episcopal church over there, a Catholic church around the corner that’s almost cathedral-size, and between them is a huge Hindu temple. There are no police needed to guard any of this. There are not many places in the world where you would see that. Yes, there are a few dangerous nuts in Brooklyn and New Jersey who want to blow up Kennedy Airport and Fort Dix. These are dangerous criminals, and we must deal with them. But come on, this is not a threat to our survival! The only thing that can really destroy us is us. We shouldn’t do it to ourselves, and we shouldn’t use fear for political purposes—scaring people to death so they will vote for you, or scaring people to death so that we create a terror-industrial complex.

One of your legacies to history will be what’s known as the Powell Doctrine. How do you define it?

Essentially it says: Avoid war—and if that’s not possible, and it’s necessary to use arms to solve a political problem, then do it in a decisive way. You remove as much doubt as you can about the outcome. In addition, you need to have a clearly defined mission, and you must have some understanding of how it’s going to end.

How can we restore America’s image?
We should remember what that image was, back after World War II. It was the image of a generous country that sought not to impose its will on other countries or even to impose its values. But it showed the way, and it helped other countries, and it opened its doors to people—visitors and refugees and immigrants.

America could not survive without immigration. Even the undocumented immigrants are contributing to our economy. That’s the country my parents came to. That’s the image we have to portray to the rest of the world: kind, generous, a nation of nations, touched by every nation, and we touch every nation in return. That’s what people still want to believe about us. They still want to come here. We’ve lost a bit of the image, but we haven’t lost the reality yet. And we can fix the image by reflecting a welcoming attitude—and by not taking counsel of our fears and scaring ourselves to death that everybody coming in is going to blow up something. It ain’t the case.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Another Vid

I like it because it has more than war speak:

Giuliani down another $0.19

I got a letter from Giuliani's campaign giving 12 reasons why and should support him. It included a postage paid envelope to send him money. I'm going to return it alright, but with reasons why most of his 12 points are incorrect, and the 13 is I could never vote for someone that laughs at another's ideas.
It's not much but I think it'll cost then around 19 cents plus someone's time to open the letter.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The things you miss

The audience was booing Giuliani, it appeared like it was one of Paul's ideas on TV.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Paul v Huckabee

I hope this is true:
CNN Seeks Ron Paul-Huckabee Debate

It would make sense. I bet CNN thinks this would "expose" Ron Paul and kill his campaign. In reality it would boost it and thrust Paul into double digit support and make a third party bid look very appealing with the democrats he would win over.

The article also has a good point that Huckabee want to be Giuliani's running mate. That makes sense, he won't overshadow Giuliani, but he gives him the family values vote he's lacking so bad. If he can knock off Giuliani's nemesis, Ron Paul, that would certainly help his chances.

More Positives

Grassfire.orgs latest poll shows Paul up from 7th to 3rd. So either the Ron Paul spammer took a nap last poll or people have started to hear Paul's message.
Thompson is going to drop quicker than anyone can imagine, he'll be lucky to make it to the New Hampshire primary. Romney's going to start having money problems and people are going to be sick of Giuliani running off being NY mayor and 9-11. McCain is a little revitalized but he'll still fade pretty quick. Huckabee could be sticking around a little while.

Text Message

Last night was the first text message I've ever sent, to vote for Ron Paul. It did take about 5 minutes to text R6, but it was worth it.
After hearing the hackles of Guliani and Romney there is no way I could vote for either (it wasn't that big of chance before). What kind of jackass won't listen to someone's opinions, no matter how crazy you think they are, you listen and respect them. And Paul has earned respect from all his experience.
Great Lew Rockwell Blog here:

Ron Paul's John Elway Moment

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Debate Clip

You can clearly hear Guliani and Romney laugh when they ask if Paul takes his orders from al qaeda. These laughs are terrible, that alone would make a good commercial, do you want these yokels?
I'm glad Dr. No is back, he needs to keep saying NO!
"All we're doing is saving Face, it's time we came home", is the best line.

Guliani vs Guliani

I'll have to find the youtube clip, but I liked Guliani's gun control debate against himself. He said something like, gun ownership was a state issue, it says in the second amendment... then changed tracks.
Whoops, I think he realized at that moment gun control is not a state issue.