Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How To

Now for the nuts:
A how to guide: How to move a dead 1974 Winnebago 5 miles with a locked up rear wheel? Well you could take off the wheel, heat and hit the drum for an hour and break it free, but that wouldn't be the nuts way.

The way to do it is to drive a forklift behind the Winnebago, lift the rear wheels up and drive the forklift pushing the Winnebago down the road. Not that I was steering the Winnebago or anything nuts like that.

That reminds me anyone want to buy a Winnebago? Free delivery within 5 miles.

B-Burg on YouTube

B-Burg is on this YouTube clip twice, once from the back and once from the front.

September 11 Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001

The founders seem to think of everything, but we don't bother to read the constitution and benefit:


Article I, Section 8, Clauses 10 and 11 of the U.S. Constitution grant Congress the power to offer a bounty and appoint stealth warriors, private companies and individuals, to capture or kill an enemy such as Osama bin Laden and his fellow terrorists, as well as seize their property.

Here's the bill:

Need help

My friend is very close to becoming a big Ron Paul supporter, it started with national health care (he's for it). But he understands everything, big corporations and big government depend on each other etc. But he seems to think we need to eliminate the big corporations and have complete government control to fix things.
Here's his latest response:
where is this "true" free market. i have never seen one. there are none that i am aware of.

this is what i think:

the tie between corporations and government is too strong. they feed one another.
arguing about who's to blame (government or corporations) is moot. to even start an
analysis, the tie has to be broken. once the tie is broken, we can debate which is
more efficient: government of the market, but until that day they are the same
thing. government = corporations, market = corporations. for both ideologies,
conservative and liberal, the solutions merely appear different but are the same.

find me a candidate saying that and i'll vote form him/her/it.
Where's the best Ron Paul clip/article for this one?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yard Sign

Who's going to help me mow RON PAUL into my backyard? I figure RON will be about 75 feet high and PAUL will be about 125.

Clean Up

I helped to show some high school kids some science a few weeks ago. One project was to clean up the Clinton Lake area (public land). One kid found an old computer monitor in the outlet stream. Why would someone throw this in a stream? We must need tougher government over-site right?
Or is it because current regulations make it difficult and expensive to get rid of old computer equipment. And which group has the older equipment, the poor. If someone threw a monitor on my land I would find out who it was and repay them. But on public land there's no incentive not to damage the land.


Call sign for Maui TV station

Will the FCC fine themselves for giving out that call sign?


Rope A Dope

Is Ron Paul purposely saving back the majority of his money so he can go dollar for dollar with Guliani and Romney at the end? His finances appear that way. Paul can simply wait out most candidates, even McCain won't last much longer. Then it will be Romney, Guliani, Paul on an even playing field. Is Paul's campaign taking tips from Muhammad Ali?

Taking real money (subtracting debt):
Guiliani: 17 mil
Romney: 3.2 mil (he loaned himself 8.9 mil)
Paul: 2.4 mil
McCain: 1.1 mil (sources say only .25 mil can be spent on the campaign)

From the numbers above and based on the 2nd quarter spending of each with no more contributions here's how long the candidates can stay in the race:
Paul 1.1 years
Guiliani 4.6 months
Romney 14 days
McCain 1.7 days